A Letter From Pastor Caleb Gober
“A Canaan Land in every state and US Territory”
A personal letter of CLM’s direction
from Pastor Caleb Gober
My Dad and mom set out on a brave and courageous journey to help men get free from addiction. They decided to help men God’s way. God led them to create a path that would set them up for success upon graduation from Canaan Land. From the time they launch into the program, to the time they finish their journey, the student’s entire world is centered on Jesus…and what a journey it is! A journey of dying to the old man and letting God raise up the new man.
In any given year, we have experienced an 85% to 100% success rate for those who graduate. What most people do not realize is Canaan Land is an 18-month ministry school. Each man that completes the 1-year program at Canaan Land is challenged to set things in motion to help them stay free and succeed.
We firmly believe in the power of accountability. Upon completing their year-long training, we ask the student to immediately find a pastor to submit to in their local area. We encourage them to serve and help in any way possible and to submit to their wisdom and guidance. We also ask that they call our office once a month, for the next 6-months to check-in. We want to hear from them and make sure they are doing well.
After the 6-month accountability period, upon receiving a good report from their pastor, we send them their diploma. Of those who receive their diploma, we have maintained a 90% – 100% success rate depending on the year. This shows what God can do when a man makes provision to succeed. I have seen God do miraculous things in men’s lives and, by the Grace and Mercy of God, He will help me fulfill the purpose of seeing a Canaan Land in every state and US Territory.
As you will see in my personal video; several years ago, God impressed upon me, as loudly as I have ever heard anything; there should be a Canaan Land in every state. I don’t mean that He spoke to me audibly, but I felt it deep in my Spirit. Through prayer, God started unfolding the plan. He told me to trust Him to start each Canaan Land and for me to oversee them in every state. He told me to believe for 5 acres of land that could house up to 4 men in each state. I am open for Him to reveal more, but this is what He has revealed thus far.
There have been a number of pastors join in support of this vision and it is very exciting to see where God will have us open the next home.
There is a video below of Brother Kenneth Copeland prophesying over my brother Joshua and me after dad went to be with the Lord. This was a powerful word of encouragement for us to continue the ministry of Canaan Land that dad and mom had started.
The second video is of Brother Copeland confirming the vision the following year. While under the anointing of the Holy Spirit he added to the initial vision, every US territory. This bore witness with my spirit and this is where we are now heading as a ministry.
Should God show you a way to be involved; prayer, finance, land, vehicles, or something else; we invite you to contact us. I am believing for many to catch this vision and join the family to see this through to completion. I know the videos you watch will be greatly inspiring.
Call you blessed,
Caleb Gober
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